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Bjørn had a stopover in Barcelona where he met Javier. Javier showed Bjørn some of the Gaudi architecture of course.

  Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It is still under construction. The budget is based intirely on gifts.

In Spain they have a saying for something that takes undefintely long: "It will be finished when Sagrada familia is finished."

  It may look as it is melting down, but far from it. The effect is mostly caused by some unfortunate light.


Marlon makes some woodwork on the pier so that we can devide the aft cabin into two.


Bjørn back on the boat in A Coruña


Marlon is eager to explain something


The crew is very happy with the seafood in the street restaurant in A Coruña.


Filling diesel before we leave for the next harbour


This is said to be the oldest lighthouse in the world that still is in use. A Coruña.


Bjørn is preparing the dinner in Camariñas.


The crew thinks that the pork filet is a sucsess...


The anchorage in Camariñas.


Headwinds and colder weather on our way to Baiona. We were motoring all the way.


The approach to Baiona